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I'll start off sliding it into your pussy and work on you till we cum.Then slowly work on your ass and I'll use your toy in your pussy so we cum again ?

First I give you a good lick. Then I want to put it in your mouth to get hard. Then your hot mature pussy to pleasure you lady. If you like. Hard😋😘 and if you like anal. In your ass. All of you looks hot and I bet feels great😘 I would slide my cock down your sexy ass. Then when you are really wet I will slide my cock deep into your pussy slowly at first. I might bounce you off the bed before I fill with my gum. I'd love to start with your sexy mouth Ela, while we 69 followed by your sweet pussy as we fuck frantically doggie style and then I'd love to be fucking your sexy ass too xxx. I would like to grab them hips and slide my big hard throbbing cock dalls deep in your sweet pussy and fuck you good and yes I will give you a great big creampie. Close your eyes and breath in the cooling night air. Wet, the warm sand clings to our toes, we walk. Sea salt sprays. The copper moon shines bright.