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There is no game that can compare to the sexiness of pink nipples, the whimsy of your tuft of hair, and the treasures which await inside your moist steamy cavern. Something tells me, your friend is watching the game. The only play by play I'd want is you describing just how it would feel for my mouth to work it's way up your inner thighs to that sweet pussy and beautiful pair of cuntlips! You tease soooooooo well ! Even with the kind of ball the Nats are playing , I'd have to turn my focus to you and your delicious , wet , tight pussy ! You tease soooooooo well ! Even with the kind of ball the Nats are playing , I'd have to turn my focus to you and your delicious , wet , tight pussy ! I wouldn't care a bit about sports if I had you by my side watching with me. My attention would be all over you. Xxx.